GRLZ: (un)natural (im)perfection Art book - Preview 2
Art. Emotions... & Oddities.
Grlz: (un)natural (im)perfection is an art project revolving around experimenting with the illustrated female form juxtaposed with stories, lyrics, and poetry about the emotions of being in relationship filled with turmoil.
Hate, Love, and acceptance are explored through a series of short stories, song lyrics, and poetry that were all wrote during the actual moments of being in a relationship. Reconciling with the pain of love ending; Accepting losing that person you would have given your life for; The infatuation of another human being: these themes are explored in this deeply emotional and sometimes dark book.
Grlz: (un)natural (im)perfection was created over a two year time span using words collected from various points in Oh! Oozi's life. The the stylized illustrations were created to be simple yet compelling, with a focus on distorting disturbing emotional thoughts into iconic designs.
A word from the Creator:
"I created this project after going through some rough times. I lost someone I cared very much for, which was followed by an out-of-nowhere health issue that caused me to loss half the vision in my right eye. Being an artist and not being able to see is about as scary as it gets. Luckily after a few years of healing, my vision has mostly returned. Naturally, these major obstacles it motivated me to be be more creative and tell more stories. This new Grlz book is me dealing with losing love and getting back on my feet to share more personal things with the world. I hope you enjoy it! Or at least find weird- squiggly-arm-girls interesting." -Jacob
Book Information
Grlz: (un)natural (im)perfection
60 pages, Full color, 8.5" x11"
Illustrated & written by Oh! Oozi aka Jacob Elijah
Available now on
IRL (detail)by Oh! Oozi
Chapter:Hate Intro by Oh! Oozi
Melt From Me (detail) by Oh! Oozi
Six Feet Trade Off (Song excerp) by Oh! Oozi
True Face (detail) by Oh! Oozi
Fractured Memory (poem) by Oh! Oozi
Yours Truly (detail) by Oh! Oozi
Vision Drop (detail) by Oh! Oozi
This Girl by Oh! Oozi
Coloffee (detail)by Oh! Oozi
All Arms by Oh! Oozi