Original art: All Armed (GRLZ)

Original art: All Armed (GRLZ)
Title: All Armed
Artist: Oh! Oozi
Project: GRLZ (un)natural (im)perfection
Medium: Black India Ink on thick 100lb Bristol Board
Size: 9" x 12"
This Piece is one of the original Black & White line art illustrations from GRLZ (un)natural (im)perfection Created and Illustrated by Oh! Oozi
Note: "These Grlz art pieces are the first original art I have offered for sale on Puppy Grenade.. I usually horde my art, waiting to do a Gallery Show with it. Or keep it because I love it."-Oh! Oozi
About Grlz:
Grlz is an Art Series revolving around the exploration of form and function using the female body. Beauty, fashion, and unconventional concepts are explored in the project by artist Oh! Oozi. Everything from runway fashion, mutations, and beach bunnies are visually depicted in ways not usually seen, or ever. Along with stories, lyrics, and poetry each entry in the series explores a different aspect of our ever changing world.